Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What Are You Reading? August Edition

My reading list is pitifully short this month! Between starting our school year and a few projects I've been doing, I haven't been reading much more than the occasional magazine. I have been keeping up with my Bible reading...Revelations.

I've also continued reading to the kids. We are enjoying All of a Kind Family by Sydney Taylor together. In Before Five in a Row, we are doing Blueberries For Sal by Robert McCloskey and in TruthQuest, we are reading various books on Christopher Columbus.

Now it is your turn! Tell me what you've been enjoying lately! In addition, can anyone share an idea for a book to read aloud to the kids? I keep a running list of good "chapter books" to read with them, but my current list is almost exhausted! We also read LOTS of picture books and are always looking for ideas.


  1. A good book to read out loud is "Skippyjon Jones". My daughter loves it!

  2. In Defense of Food, Super Baby Food and the book of James.

  3. We just finished reading All of a Kind Family. Some books my kids have liked are: In Grandma's Attic series, The Light at Tern Rock by Julia L. Sauer, My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett
