Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Night Visitors

It's 3 am and a little feminine voice whispers, "Mama, can I lay with you?"

"Baby, it's the middle of the night. You need to be in your bed."

She begins to crawl up beside me as she says, "But I want to be with you."

Five minutes later, the baby (who until this night has been sleeping through the night in his basket) whimpers. The little girl moves to my other side and I tuck the baby in with me to nurse.

Morning comes. My back is cramped. I feel sleepy. I start to complain until I think about how precious this time is. When the little girl is grown up, I'll miss her golden hair lying across my cheek as she presses against me in her sleep. When the baby moves from home, I'll miss his voice.

Please, Lord, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90:12)


  1. Brought tears to my eyes! Precious and so true!

  2. Boy I hear you on this one... on one hand it wonderful to have them close..on the other... I am tired!!! lol
    Great thoguhts and Scripture!
    God bless-

  3. What a beautiful thought ... this is so true! We must treasure these times. They will be gone all too quickly.
