Monday, May 25, 2009

My Humorous Look at Motherhood

Oh where, oh where, has my quiet time gone?
Oh where, oh where, can it be?
Once a Coke and a book
Was all that it took.
Now I can’t even pee!

Oh where, oh where, has my tidy home gone?
Oh where, oh where, can it be?
Straightening as I go,
But the next thing I know
The floor I cannot see!

Oh where, oh where has my white bathtub gone?
Oh where, oh where can it be?
Grit, grass, and grime—
I scrub all of the time.
That ring will be the death of me!

Oh where, oh where, has my tranquil ride gone?
Oh where, oh where, can it be?
The chatter and talk
Make my windows fog up.
And the speakers are blaring Veggie!

Oh where, oh where, have my painted toes gone?
Oh where, oh where can they be?
They’re chipped or they’re bare.
I pretend not to care.
I can only dream of a pedi!

Oh where, oh where, have my grown-up foods gone?
Oh where, oh where, can they be?
A salad and steak,
A molten chocolate cake—
Replaced by macaroni!

Oh where, oh where, has my former self gone?
Oh where, oh where can it be?
God blessed me with four.
I’m in charge no more.
HE knows what’s best for me!



  1. Cute! I love it. I sang it to my husband... he said "that's what I want to know... about half way through! :)

    Happy day to you!

  2. well said, Kristin! I like it!!

  3. This is great - sounds like me, and I only have two (a third on the way)!

    Your kids are adorable :)

  4. Ha! How cute! And SO true! And I don't have even have 3 yet!

  5. So true! I can't remember the last time I went to the bathroom by myself, let alone read away a rainy day. It would seem awful to some, even to me in my selfish moments, but I've been blessed with the life I have.

  6. This is hilarious. I was just talking to my husband about my unpainted toenails yesterday! Well written!

  7. I LOVE it!! ANd your family just gets more beautiful everyday!!!

    Great job Kristin!!!

    God bless-
