Monday, November 23, 2009

With You Always

We awoke to another day of rain. I heard the pattering on the window in my subconscious as I slept and it was comforting. Cold rain in November means my man in the grass-cutting business can turn off his alarm. It means my pace slows and my heart calms, as two calloused hands work beside mine, easing my load. Rain means our scheduled outing to the library would include an extra member, one who never balks at carrying our stash!

But, alas, as breakfast was served and school begun, the howling wind seemed to forecast the day. Water in the street resembled rushing river more than static puddles. Oh, disappointment! Mama and children in need of fresh air and fresh surrounding grew listless at thoughts of being house-bound another day.

A ringing phone brought us out of ourselves as Gavin rushed to answer the call. “Hello, Gran!” he said into the receiver. The front door rattled with a gust of wind. Though I couldn't hear her end of the conversation, I deduced she was inquiring about the storm. “Oh, I love it,” I heard him say, “because Daddy is here.”

Daddy is here.

Disappointments eased…because Daddy is here.

As the time of giving thanks approaches, my thoughts grow pensive. What do I have to be thankful for? Oh, much! Healthy children, food on the table, job stability, always enough of what we need…

…and knowing my Heavenly Father is here. Even—especially—in the midst of  harder times. Here through the death of our first baby, here when Brian’s father died after a battle with cancer, here through trials and worries and disappointments and pain.

Here. Not erasing the sorrow, but reassuring me with His presence.

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.


Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding, no one can fathom.

And I am so thankful.


  1. Kristin,
    I so much agree. We have so very much to Thankful for! We thought we would never have a child and God blessed us with a wonderful, healthy, precious little boy. I also know what it is like when daddy is home. I only have one child and it makes a world of difference I can only imagine what a blessing it is for you when your Brian is home. My Bryan is off all this week and Aaron loves it and so do I. This morning I was blessed with Bryan making breakfast for us which was wonderful!
    Happy Thansksgiving to you and your family! You are such a Blessing to us and to so many people!I am so thankful that you started this Blog! I am always encouraged by what you write.

  2. I am not sure what happened but the anonymous is Mary.

  3. Such beautiful thoughts!! I just love coming to your blog!

