Monday, December 28, 2009


Words have stinging power when tongues are unloosed and lips are unguarded. Words flow freely out of unintentional mouths. I shudder to think how my careless utterings must pierce the heart of God. Out of habit, how easily complaints and grumblings spew forth over little incidents. When His gifts rain down, I soak them up and then wring them out as refuse.

Baby wakes in the night.  Grumble.  Boys yell in the house.  Sigh.   Grocery bill strains the purse strings.  Whine.  Cups spill, plates tip, crumbs scatter.  Nag. 

Why, when He has given much, do I require more?  For when I look around me, I realize I have everything to be thankful for.   My very life is a gift from Him.

What a blessing it is to read how friends are filling buckets with praise.  I read of the shared journey of motherhood and friendship and long to dip my finger in this well of goodness.  I read of  another's daily pleasures with husband and son and feel her joy that emantes.  I stumble over an old list from a new kindred friend and whisper my own praise. 

But only strain against the familiar will break stubborn habits.  Old grooves must be sanded smooth and new lines etched in their place.  And so I purpose in my heart to look for His gifts.  Not to let them roll as rain off my back, but to soak them in-- drink of their goodness...and remember. 

And so I embark on a journey to notice each drop of his goodness and mercy.  As I have a particular fondness and sentimentality for pen and paper, my daily journalings will be recorded there, though I may quietly share a page on occasion.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

At the dawning of this new year, won't you consider joining me?

holy experience


  1. Beautiful Blog!!

    Glad your joining in with all of us gals in thanks! This journey has opened my eyes to seeing the hugeness and abounding love of Christ. We are richly blessed!

    Scribbling Thanks with you,

  2. What a thought provoking post! I was so convicted by your beautiful words..... We are so so so blessed.

    Something I had forgotten, until reading your words, when I studied Moses in Bible Study Fellowship last year, was that we are not suppose to complain and how much "trouble" the Israelities found themselves in by grumbling and complaining... how often am I so quick to complain about the silliest things. What kind of example am I showing my children? When I tell them not to whine, yet I whine when things don't go my way, etc...

    Thank you for the sweet reminder.

  3. Beautiful thoughts as always Kristin.. I totally am with you on how we should be pleasing the Lord with our thoughts and words... but I have a feeling He WAS pleased with this!


  4. Pretty graditude journal !
    May it fill quickly :)

  5. It is *always* a good thing to have a grateful heart! Maybe not a *natural* thing...but good!

  6. What a great idea - I love the pictures. I too have a fondness for pen and paper - especially when they bring me closer to God. Beautiful blog. Thanks for sharing.

  7. you said it so well, we focus on the immediate things (at least i do) sippy cup spills, grocery bills, plates tipping over. so true. but it all can be cleaned up. it is really no big deal. love this idea on writing.

    thank you for the comment on my breastfeeding post. really. i often thought what it would be like to tandam nurse. it was so hard at the beginning with the twins. but we are almost done. they nurse just in the morning & night now. 18+ months. they drink milk in the day. sometimes i think they want to stop, and then the very next nursing they nurse longer. who knows when we will end. i am just going to hang on as long as i can.
    blessings to you in the new year.

  8. So beautifully written! How much we miss when our hearts are not looking for those "God moments", those gifts of goodness he sends us every day!

  9. "But only strain against the familiar will break stubborn habits. Old grooves must be sanded smooth and new lines etched in their place."

    Thanks for these words. Pasting them on our school room wall!

    Thank you.

  10. Thanks for this great reminder!!! I needed this today!


  11. Great post! We'd all be much happier and healthier if we practiced gratitude every day!
