Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Privilege Is All Mine

Today I was blessed to
  • make pancakes and scramble eggs for growling tummies.
  • watch Brian play with Maddie and Owen in swirling snow.
  • snuggle a feverish Benjamin, whose body is usually too busy to be still.
  • read more books than I have fingers to count.
  • hear Gavin's detailed instructions on how to build a Lego ship.
  • wash mounds of snow-soaked sweaters and mittens.
  • stir chocolate into milk for a rare afternoon treat.
  • peel the backs off of numerous stickers to help Owen make a birthday card.
  • tuck blankets around sleeping bodies and kiss sleeping brows.
  • watch a movie with Brian-- and only Brian.
  • embrace life as a wife and mother.
Yes, the privilege is all mine.