Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thrifty Thursday

It is possible to be thrifty without feeling deprived and I'm sharing ideas in this summer series. If you have an money-saving idea, consider sharing it on your blog and leaving your link at the bottom of this post. The only rule? Share what you know. If I've never personally tried an idea, I won't write about it. The same goes for you, but don't assume an idea is too simplistic. It could be new to someone or it could re-inspire someone else! 

(Next week is thrifty recipe week.  Do you have a recipe that is cheap to prepare or that is thrifty in that it uses up leftovers from the fridge?  Be ready to share next Thursday!)

I have a photo frame in my living room where I keep current photos of my children.  I also have a frame in my upstairs hallway where I keep a photo of the four of them together.  I long ago ran out of incentive to spend the time and money taking the kids to a portrait studio to get great framable shots.  My tip for this week is to be your own "professional" photographer.

When I am in need of a new set of shots or when I realize it has been too long since I've captured a non-candid moment, we head outside for a photo shoot.  I've taken inside formal photos inside, too, but found that the outdoors offers better lighting and more interesting backgrounds.  Not only does this plan save money, but it also saves time and frustration since a couple of my kids are too shy to smile for strangers! 

Occasionally, we desire a family shot.  Then we just trade services with another photographer.  Our go-to person is my sister whom the kids love enough to smile for! 

And those fun Christmas cards you can have printed with your family picture?  A few years ago, I designed my own and had it printed at Walmart.  Instead of paying the fancy card price, I had it printed through their photo department just like any other 4x6 print at the 4x6 price! 


  1. Great ideas. We also are too "cheap" to spend money on a professional photographer. We found that it really makes it stressful when we want the perfect shot because we're paying so much for it.

    We also take our own pictures of the kids, but I'm behind. I need to do that this coming week.

  2. Three-year-old Suzi has been known to throw a fit or two on important, expensive picture days. We don't pay for them but my mother-in-law does. I think the pressure of feeling she has to perform gets to her and she just shuts down. She will sometimes do the same thing when we try to take an amateur family picture with her, but at least then we haven't lost hundreds of dollars on a session, and we can just try again later. It's asking her to pose that's the problem--she loves having candid shots taken!

    Good idea for the Christmas cards! We normally don't do those because we've never felt we had the time or money, but maybe we will start.

    I love your socks!

  3. I love this tip! We usually get our photos taken by photographer friends for free. Which is AWESOME!!! ;)

    While I was cleaning yesterday I thought of one of my frugal ways to share, but, of course, I forgot! :( Maybe I'll remember......
