Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pretty Please

Hello.  My name is Kristin and I love a good birth story. 

Don't you? 

Now that I've finished sharing my most recent birth story,  I want to hear yours!  It doesn't have to be a recent story.  If you've ever talked about your birth experience on your blog...or if you want to do so now...consider linking up at the bottom of this post. 

Pass the word, too.  I guarantee I'll stop by to read every one of your stories.  I'm just that interested.  And if you don't have a blog, consider leaving your story in the comments.  I'm just that interested!  And if you have more than one story to share, link them all.  I'm just that...oh, you know. 


  1. Wish I had Eliya's done :( I guess I'll need to get on that since she's coming up on 8 months )

  2. Hmm...not sure why the pic for the link is all crazy????

  3. Oh, how fun! I think I might just have to join in... but I guess I need to do all five :) and I really should start at the beginning.

    Sending love.....

  4. I wish I had that kind of time...and that good of a memory.

    It would take me forever...

    I did enjoy your's though.

    *AND* thank you for your Quiet Time tips. You're the 2nd Momma to suggest a movie. Sometimes I feel almost pressured to keep the TV off all.the.time. ...but a good kid's movie never hurt anyone!

    I actually put Wesley in our bed today (with no Benjamin) and he slept. But Brian reminded me this evening that he was up at 5:45 AM!

  5. Thanks for sharing your Alaine's birth story; I really enjoyed reading it! I keep telling myself that I need to get the ones for my kids posted (you know, since Little is 4 years old!); I'm trying to use this as my impetus for writing them. :-)

  6. Your linky is closed but I just happened upon your blog tonight and I thought you might enjoy my stories. Here is the link:
