Tuesday, October 4, 2011

31 Days {and Tri-Moms}: Joys and Fears

I make an effort not to wish away a single day of my life whether it is boring or difficult or long or dreary.  I'm constantly reminding my kids to appreciate each day as it comes and fully live in it. One of my children in particular is always looking ahead to what is next.  At the lunch table, he asks what we are having for dinner.  He checks the calendar to see what we have planned for the week.  He counts the days until his birthday or the weekend or vacation. 

Despite my effort to live in the moment, the days continue to tick by and my children grow older and each days is an inch closer to their independence.  Each milestone reached is joyful and sobering in the same moment.  I love witnessing each child take that first step, but it means saying good-bye to crawling and dingy knees. Weaning and potty-training are celebrations that bring tears.  I love the excitement of the first loose tooth, but it means the baby smile will change.  I love tucking a child into bed and knowing they will stay there all night, but it signals the end of midnight cuddles. 

There is great joy in watching my children grow up.  My physical burden is lifted with each month that passes.  Who would turn down help with the laundry or extra hands in the kitchen?  Watching my older children grab the hand of a younger sibling as they cross the street together or read a story to a younger child never fails to bring a smile to my face, and guiding each one into their own relationship with the Lord is a true pleasure, but I wonder what I'm going to do when my full hands are suddenly empty.  When my guiding and leading and folding and wiping is done, what will my hands find to do? 

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Why don't you take a moment to visit my fellow Tri-Moms, Allyson @ A Heart For Home and Christy @ A Living Homeschool as they share from their hearts today, too.

Upcoming Tri-Moms Topics
October 18: Traveling with children
November 1: Thanksgiving crafts and recipes
November 15: Teaching the meaning of Thanksgiving


  1. Hi Kristin!

    I'm suddenly there... but even though sometimes I think my hands are empty, they aren't. They're still quite full, with husband, home, and family... and grandboys... and learning how to be the mom of grown and married daughters. Don't worry... whatever your hands find to do, the Lord will give you strength to do it with all your might! Take care!

  2. I'm striving to make the most of these days and not wish them away as well. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Now that my oldest is five and I'm snuggling my last newborn I've really begun to think about these things. While I might not miss the multiple nighttime feedings or having two diapers, there are definitely things about this stage that I will miss.
