Sunday, October 30, 2011

31 Days {Day 30}: Links

Today I am quiet.  These are words I could have written myself, but they said them better (and first!). 

Savor them...

The Tunnel of Parenthood by Emily Sederstrand
Are your children under the age of 5?  This should encourage you!
The Easiest Years by Amy Scott
Are your children a little older? This is for you!

There Is No Rewind Button in Life
by Trudy Cathy
Good reminder for every stage of motherhood...and for life!

My Field and the Good Portion
by Hayley
Short and sweet...on being joyful and content.

Do Everything by Steven Curtis Chapman
 "You're picking up toys on the living room floor for the 15th time today."
Does that grab you like it grabs me? 
(I'm not linking to the
official music video because, frankly, it weirded me out.)

 Stirring the Gravy and All Needing Something by Amy Scott
I've linked to this pair of posts before, but they are my all-time favorite parenting articles! 

Stay-At-Home Vs. Working Parents: Questions to help spouses bridge the communication gap by Heather Ridby
One of the funniest things I've ever read!  (My husband wasn't as amused.)


Someone also asked me to share a few parenting books that I recommend.   I thought and thought (and thought and thought).  I love Dr. Sears's The Baby Book and How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by Robert Mendelsohn for medical advice, but I can't think of one single parenting philosophy book that I've ever read!  That being said,  I've heard only good things about these books:

*all links, including book links, are for your ease in navigation; I do not profit or benefit in any way by your clicking.

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading your Mom's blog and came over to read yours! I am going to send my friend your way - she has 5 little ones 7 and younger. Full hands and heart I know this post and series will be a blessing to her!

