Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tri-Moms: Time Management For Busy Moms

The new year is the time when everyone seems to make resolutions-- resolutions to eat less or read more or start exercising or learn a new skill.  Three years ago, I decided to read a chapter of the New Testament every day, starting with Matthew and ending with Revelations.  Brian joined me and we kept each other accountable so that it was the easiest resolution I've ever made.  When we finished Revelations, we flipped back to the beginning of the Bible and started on the Old Testament one chapter at a time.  It has been slow-going, but we are set to finish the last chapter of the Bible in a few months. 

This year I've set a few small goals-- resolutions of sorts-- that are more secular in nature.

  • Make a pastry pie crust from scratch
  • Make a graham cracker pie crust from scratch
  • Read the Samantha (American Girl) series aloud with Maddie
  • Read the Henry and Ribsy series aloud with all the kids
  • Write monthly letters to our Compassion child
  • Learn to make a yarn pom-pom
  • Work with the kids on better stewardship with their money
  • Move our books from boxes to shelves

Goals and projects can be overwhelming, though, if they are not kept in perspective.  At this season of life with five young children, I've chosen to limit outside activities.  Simply put, we stay home a lot.  That doesn't mean we are social misfits.  We still invite people into our home for dinner.  The kids go to Homeschool Field Day and the occasional field trip or performance.  We love our small Charlotte Mason-style co-op that meets once a month in rotating homes.  Yet, more often than not, you can find us at home. 

I've been asked before how I do it all or if I ever stop. The answer is, I don't do it all.  The only way I can keep up with the laundry (we average 2 loads a day, every day), cook (mostly) from scratch, keep the house relatively clean and picked up, and teach school to three little people is that I do little else.  We don't play team sports and I'm not on any committees.  It's just the way it is right now.  (We are thinking about getting a dog, though.  Are we crazy?!)

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."   I've accepted that, for now, home is my ministry and my time is best used right here.

As always...
take a moment to visit my fellow Tri-Moms,
Allyson @ A Heart For Home
and Christy @ A Living Homeschool.

Upcoming Topics:
January 17: The Winter Blahs
February 7: Frugal Date Ideas
February 21: Romancing Your Husband


  1. Staying at home is also important in our family. I feel very out of whack if we are gone more than two mornings in a week. We do go out more in the evening when Tim is home, but by that point much of our work is completed.

    A dog? I bet the dog would love all the space you have now. I've decided that until all of my children are potty trained I don't want to have to potty train anything else :) I also wouldn't consider it until at least some of our kids are old enough to help take care of the dog. But at least Gavin and Maddie should be able to help a lot with that in your home.

  2. Always like blogs like this, personal and heart-warming. Nicholl http://whenmotherscry.blogspot.com
