Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Three Things

Number ONE:

This is my favorite blogging tradition.  Every year in February, I ask for reader questions.  It is a lot of fun for me to write what I already know my readers want to read.  It is also a fun challenge to write what I otherwise might not have considered writing about.  Your questions can be easy or complex, silly or serious.  In the past, I've answered questions about breastfeeding, how I met my husband, how I transition my kids to big beds, and whether I prefer coffee or tea

What can I answer this year?

Number TWO:

If there is sufficient interest, I'd like to start a feature called

"How Do You...?" 

What would you like to know? It could be anything. 

"How do you handle naptime?"
"How do you choose your homeschool curriculum?"
"How do you celebrate Easter?"
"How do you  get your kids to eat their vegetables?"
"How do you ...?"

Number THREE:

This would be a great time to say hello!  Even if you've never commented before, why don't you take a moment to tell me how you heard about me and how long you've been around? 


  1. I seem to have no extra time recently, so my question would be...How do you find time to do all the important things and still blog? I've been staying up late to do the little I've done and I know there must be a better way :)

    Also, I can't remember how I first found your blog, but I've been reading since the summer of 2008. In fact, I think reading your blog gave me the idea that I could write my own. (thanks!)

  2. Hi, my name is Jen. I've been following your blog for a while. I don't remember exactly when or how I found it, but I think maybe you wrote a guest post on Money Saving Mom once and I found it from there??

  3. cute idea! i just posted today about eating out with our kiddos. maybe you could do that. :)

  4. Hello. I'm your absent, 8.25 months pregnant with #8 friend, who loves and misses you, and adores her new Owl Baby hat (I love it, thank you).

    Been reading since ??? (winter 09-10 maybe).

    Wondering how you keep on GOOD blogging?

    ...and if Gavin would be interested in a Flat Stanley Connor did for his 2nd grade cousin's class in Cincinnati?


  5. Hello! I enjoy your blog, I have been reading it for a month or so. I think I found it through Money Saving Mom.
