Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Notes on Nature Study

Michelle said, "Do you use this as your only science curriculum or do you use it alongside something else? To be honest, science is not a favorite of mine and I tend to want to spend much more time on history so this seems like a very fun and creative way to study nature." 

I'm right there with you, Michelle!  I am not the science type so I tend to shy away from it.  When I was planning this school year, I had considered beginning the Apologia Young Explorers series since the kids are getting older and I thought perhaps they needed something meatier. After looking through a couple of the books, though, I decided not to start them just yet, but to beef up our studies on our own by focusing on one topic through the year and learning all we could through reading and observation.  It was so successful that we are doing the same next school year, too. 

Allyson said that she plans to begin nature study with her children this summer while their family is working in the garden.  I think that's a great idea.  In fact, you could even fulfill your whole year's worth of science in the summer if you wanted to.  If you read a little bit about your topic or spend some time outside 3-4 days of the week for 10-12 weeks this summer, you will have accomplished as much as you would doing nature study once a week throughout the traditional school year.  We did something similar to fulfill our health requirements last summer.  By the time we went back to (home)school in the fall, we could cross an entire subject off of our list!

  When I shared my tree book list last week,
I mentioned that Anna's book list was my jumping off point for our nature study this year.
Anna has shared a few other nature study book lists on her site that may be of interest: 




  1. Thank you for these two posts, Kristin! Gives me much more courage to branch out on my own. {Ohhh...subtle pun there...} I've been looking at Apologia {online} too, but I'd love to look through the books in person.

  2. Today I was at Lou's discount grocery store. they had some realistic gummy worms for sale as well as gummy slugs. those should fit nicely into the sciency nature journal for all the gardeners!

  3. I'm super excited about our garden nature study this summer. I have a ton of books to share about (I'll be blogging about them soon).
