Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Dress Project-- Final Month

Sarah and Jenna are friends who blog together at Delighting in Today.  Now, not only do they blog together, but they also both entered The Dress Project's Summer Challenge

Sarah bought a women's shirt on clearance at Target and then made it over into a summer dress for her daughter. This kind of project is what The Dress Project is all about:  taking something too small or too big or too whatever...and making it wearable again!

For more pictures and details of how she did it, click on the above photo.

I'm so glad Jenna entered, too, because she gave The Summer Challenge something it hadn't yet seen-- a boy!  Jenna took a plain white T and, with a little paint, made it a knock-off J. Crew shirt!  How cool is that (and how kind to the pocketbook)! 

For many more adorable photos, click on the above photo.

There are 30 days left to enter  The Dress Project: Summer Challenge.  I'm excited to see what you can come up with.  Blog about it and then add your link HERE.  Don't forget... you could win one of two prizes! 

1 comment:

  1. I love the summery dress and the boy's shirt is adorable. (I definitely don't sew nearly as much for Jonathan as I do for the girls.)
