Monday, January 21, 2013

Pinterest Success

One of the short term goals  I listed at the beginning of the year was to do a few of the crafts and projects that were pinned on my Winter Pinterest Board.  I've been on Pinterest for about a year, but I resisted joining Pinterest at first because I was afraid that I would either:

  1. Pin a bunch of stuff that I would never have time to try, or
  2. Pressure myself to do everything I pinned and feel let down if I didn't.

When I eventually caved and joined Pinterest last winter, I decided to pin only recipes/projects/ideas I loved or could see myself following though on.  I don't pin it if it doesn't fit my style or if it looks too complicated or difficult or calls for ingredients I don't use.  I revisit my own boards frequently for inspiration.

Here are a few of the things I've attempted this year from my Winter Pinterest Board:

Have you had any Pinterest successes recently?


  1. I decorated with yarn balls too! (In fact, I think I got that idea from your board.)

  2. I love love LOVE the way your chalkboard turned out. Oh, I hope there is a good place for a chalkboard in our new house!! :) And that My Beloved goes for the idea. :)

  3. I've actually surprised myself by completing quite a lot of the projects I've pinned.

    Some of our recent favorites are these muffins and this bread.

    Unlike you, I do find myself pinning more than I'll actually be able to do. Ever once in a while I go through my boards and weed out ideas. However, I find that I use a lot of recipes/crafts for inspiration even though I may not follow them exactly.

  4. For Christmas presents I made some crocheted head bands and necklaces and today I am going to attempt a crochet slipper pattern I've pinned. I have made a few recipes as well. I would leave the links here but I don't know how to do that. I love how you and others leave a link attached to a word. That is a lesson for our blog tutorial day.
