Thursday, February 21, 2013

You Question, I'll Answer

I do this every year in February and it's become a tradition I love!  I ask you to ask me questions. 

Your questions can be easy or complex, silly or serious.  You can ask about my kids, my plans for the future, about running, about school, what we do on the weekends, or what my favorite color is! In the past, I've answered questions about breastfeeding, how I met my husband, how I transition my kids to big beds, and whether I prefer coffee or tea!  

Last year,  your questions even helped me launch my "How Do You...?" series.

So...ask away! What would you like to know this year?


  1. What are your limits for out of the house activities? do you have a hard and fast rule or do you operate on a case by case basis? I know I need to be home for the majority of the day at least 4-5 days a week or household duties start slipping, but I'm sure this is different for everyone based on ages of children, personalities, etc.

  2. What is your favorite food and is there a particular reason you like it? Does it bring back a special memory when you think about it?

  3. What would you do with a child who, for no apparent reason, dislikes her younger sibling? My 5 year old daughter used to love playing with her 2 year old brother, but ever since her baby sister was born 4 months ago, she has told me everyday that she doesn't like her brother anymore. The nonstop fighting is driving me bonkers! I've tried making them hold hands or hug until they can be nice to each other, but the issue usually lies entirely with my daughter so why should my son be punished?
