Friday, August 2, 2013

G is for...

Growing up!

A look back through the alphabet:
F is for...
E is for...
D is for...
C is for...
B is for...
A is for...


  1. How did the ear piercing go? I still remember getting mine pierced at age 13. We haven't decided when the girls can have theirs done...thankfully none have asked so far.

  2. Awww... She looks so big! Can't wait to see Maddie's pierced ears in person. :)

  3. @Allyson, it went great! She was not nervous at all and she has been cleaning them twice a day without reminder. I was 11 when I had mine pierced. We didn't have a policy on ear piercing except that we would wait until the girls were old enough to ask. Until a few months ago, Maddie wasn't interested, but then she mentioned a few times that she'd like it done and we thought it would be a lovely birthday surprise. :-)
