Friday, August 23, 2013

Summer Sewing

Though much of our summer was filled with baking and reading, I also took a few minutes to slip in some sewing.  I'm a mediocre seamstress, especially when it comes to machine sewing but I enjoy tinkering and seeing a finished result.  

For the second summer in a row, I've made Christmas ornaments in July.  I find that I'm more inspired and less stressed if I work on fun, non-essential Christmas projects during the summer rather than wait until after Thanksgiving when I have many other things claiming my time. I took my design from an idea in Craft-a-Day: 365 Simple Handmade Projects {affiliate link}.  I love the slightly non-traditional colors and would love to incorporate more turquoise into my Christmas decorating. 

I also handstitched a few Kawaii key chains.  I'm using the icecream cone ring for myself, but I don't have plans for the others yet. Giveaway, anyone?

Though I don't have the courage to make clothing from scratch, I enjoyed changing a maxi dress into a maxi skirt. 

I used this tutorial as my inspiration, though I did not follow her instructions exactly. 

I also altered a few too-big shirts using this tutorial.  The instructions say you can alter jeans in the same way, but I've not been brave enough to attempt that. 

Do you sew?  Have you made anything this summer? 


  1. I definitely need to change some of my maxi dresses into maxi skirts now that I'm back to nursing a baby :) Your redo look great...I'll have to check out that tutorial.

  2. I do sew. and made myself two skirts before going to Scotland.

    This next week I am teaching two of my girls and 3 other girls how to sew skirts using a cute double ruffle pattern.

    I am an average seamstress but like you, I enjoy seeing projects come to life!


  3. I haven't pulled my sewing machine out in ages! So, nope, no sewing for me this summer.

    I love both of your re-dos. The maxi skirt is so flattering! Great job!
