Friday, February 7, 2014

Picture Books Are Cozy Books

Agreed.  Or Snuggies in our house.

These are three picture books my kids have especially enjoyed this month.

I Had a Favorite Dressby Boni Ashburn

Alaine loved this book so much she asked me to read it twice in a row when I brought it home from the library! The little girl in the story loves her fancy, twirly dress.  She's sad when she grows too tall to wear this favorite dress.  Instead, her mother helps her transform it into a fancy, twirly shirt. But then she can't wear that anymore either...  Follow the lyrical journey of a little girl, her dress, and its many seasons and transformations!

The Day the Crayons Quit
by Drew Daywalt

Gavin read this to himself first and then he read portions of it to the other kids.  And then I read it out loud to everyone twice, or maybe three times.  My kids sympathized with the blue crayon who was used so much that he was reduced to a tiny nub.  However, the peach crayon produced the most giggles.  Read the book to find out why!

Dragons Love Tacos
by Adam Rubin

Owen's very favorite food in the whole world is tacos.  All three of my boys are going through a dragon phase.  This book was the perfect melding of those interests.  It's a funny story about throwing a taco party for dragons.  Whatever you do, don't feed them spicy salsa!  What will happen if you forget?

What books are you enjoying with your kids?


  1. How fun! We're always looking for recommendations :) In fact, I'm looking at minimizing our personal library and relying on the public library more.

    1. I am a stickler for clutter, but I haven't managed to weed out our book stash much over the years. I still am a huge fan of the library, though!

  2. One of the hardest parts of having all my children grow up is the decreasing frequency of picture book read alouds. (I loooove picture books!) I want to read every one you recommended. Well, maybe I could do without the dragon book. But if the kids all liked it, then maybe Gran would too!

    1. It was definitely a cutesy-type dragon book, not a firery dragon book. I've seen it in Target if you want to sneak a read. :-) Actually I've seen the crayon book there, too, if you want to see what's so giggly about the peach crayon.
