Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How Do You...Help Your Children Choose Books to Read?

How do you help your children choose books to read?

When I choose books to read aloud to my kids whether it is for school or for leisure, I have an advantage.  If the vocabulary is a little difficult, I can stop and explain.  If there is inappropriate content, I can skip over it.  If we all agree it is boring or odd or too long or whatever, we can decide to stop the book altogether.

When I'm helping my children choose books to read in their own free time, though, the job is tougher.  I don't have the time or desire to pre-screen every book they find at the library that interests them.  If they ask for suggestions, I will often recommend familiar authors or books from a series that we trust. The kids will also tell each other about books they have read and enjoyed.

But what a books that I know nothing about? I generally start by reading the book description on the back of the book.  If that seems okay, I'll skim a few pages and look at any artwork in the book. Sometimes I say no.  Either I don't feel comfortable with the content or I can't pick up enough clues to form an impression.  Often, though, I have to trust my kids.  I allow them to make books choices on their own, knowing that they understand our family standards and asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them.

How do you help your children find reading material?  On Monday, June 2,  I'm releasing the 2014 edition of my Summer Reading Guide for Families here on the blog.  Let me save you the work of  choosing books for everyone! 


My How Do You...? series is back for a few more weeks.  I'm in need of some fun ideas for topics.  What do you want to know?  Leave a comment here or on my Facebook page

In the meantime, you can browse the archived index of past topics.

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