Monday, July 28, 2014

The 2014 Bits and Pieces Reader Survey

My blog has been saturated with book recommendations this summer!  From the Summer Reading Guide to a list of books my elementary-age kids read on their own time to books we're reading together on our summer break to books we use for math instruction,  it's been on the blog since June.

If you'd like short and mostly random book suggestions, you should consider liking my Facebook page, too, where I link to specific books that caught our attention and sometimes share photos of the crazy-tall stacks we bring home from the library.

Today, though, I want to know about my readers.  Who are you and what do you like to read about here on my blog? I would love if you would take a moment to fill out this brief and anonymous reader survey! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristen I do enjoy your blog. I wanted to let you know on the survey there was only one option for the types of post we enjoy on your blog. It was the children's book review one. I like all the posts about your family and homeschool life!
