Wednesday, September 3, 2014

real life {week 1}

Every Wednesday during the month of September, I'm sharing a photo from my real life.  

It's not always a glossy, smiley, arranged life because sometimes real life can be messy, noisy, and unscripted.

 I want to invite you to join me each week.  What does your real life look like?


  1. I have a completely unglossy family photo in my post today. The kids are looking (or not looking) all over the place and I'm laughing at someone's joke and still looking pregnant, but it's our family at a very special event and I'm slowly convincing myself that having the picture is more important than it being perfect.

    1. I love your photo! In fact, before you mentioned it here, I had already seen it on your blog and thought how good it was! It's all in the perspective, I guess.

  2. That's a great picture - so much better than a perfectly posed shot would be...alive with the moment.

    1. We have a photo hanging in our hall of our 5 kids together and only one of them is even looking at the camera. Mostly they are being silly or looking down. Yet, it is one of my favorite photos that I have of them!

  3. O, I like your photo! I would like to join next week. Wednesday is already gone. It's good to show real life.

    1. I'd love for you to join! I plan to post the link-up earlier next week.
