Friday, October 24, 2014

a list on Friday

Fridays are good days for lists, don't you think? 

1) We had our first frost this week, on Monday. I went for a run that morning and it was so cold my fingers hurt.  Time to bring out the running mittens and put away the flip flops.

2) Oh, but not so fast!  It is supposed to be in the 70s several days next week.

3) Have you tried pumpkin spice M&Ms or candy apple M&Ms? If not, you should.

4) Speaking of pumpkin, I've been experimenting with a variety of pumpkin recipes this fall and yet somehow it's almost November and I haven't made pumpkin bread!

5) A random fact I learned this week: Scientist think that the weight of ants in the world equals the weight of people in the world.

6) Last weekend, all five of the kids had a sleepover at their grandmother's house.  This weekend, two of the boys are having a sleepover at their other grandparents' house.  Weekends have been quiet(er) around here lately.

7) The kids are more than half way through their fall gym class.  Where have the weeks gone?!  (I'm going to miss my weekly chat with adult friends.)

8) Brian is home for dinner almost every night now. Grass cutting season is coming to a close.

9) I don't like any of the players on this season of Survivor.  I had two early favorites and both have already been voted off.

10) I want to spend the whole day today reading my book, but I need be a grown-up and teach school, clean my bathroom, make a batch of granola bars, fold the never-ending laundry pile, and help the boys pack for their sleepover.


  1. I haven't tried the candy apple M&Ms, but I did get to try the pumpkin spice as well as caramel apple Oreos :)

    1. I don't like Oreos (I know! Who doesn't love Oreos, right?!), but my kids tried the caramel apple ones. My girls especially loved them.

  2. The m&m's sound so yummy.To bad we are all on a no dye all natural diet or I'd buy some.What pumpkin recipes have you tried? I love pumpkin and love to try new recipes.
