Monday, October 6, 2014

Almost There: a look at my goals

We're three-quarters of the way through the year.  Or nine-twelfths. Whatever way you choose to look at it, the months are ticking by and we are facing the last three months of the year.  It's crunch time for getting those goals completed! 

Truly, I'm not feeling the pressure, though.  I've worked steadily on my goals through the year, tweaking and adding as I go. What I don't finish by December, I'll roll over into the new year {without disappointment and without guilt}.

It's always fun to take a peek back over the months at what I've accomplished...and, of course, include a few links and photos.  My goals are bulleted while my notes are written in teal.

I accomplished much in the kitchen over the first quarter of the year and I included details and photos in my March goal post.

I finally started my vanilla in August (using the very basic directions given here). I shake it about once a week and I indulge myself with an occasional sniff, but it won't be ready to use until at least November.

  • Eat at Chipotle.  (Am I the only one who hasn't been?!)
I'm a convert! I crossed this goal off in February and I talked about it on the blog here, but then I went again to carb-load on the evening before my half-marathon...and again to grab lunch before heading to the beach...and again on a night out with a friend...

  • Run a 2-mile race with Brian.
I accomplished this goal  in mid-February.  I shared a photo and details from the race here. 

  • Train and run a 1/2 marathon. 
I did it!  I trained hard for over 3 months and then on a cool, clear morning, I ran my heart out.  I shared a few things about the race that surprised me and then I gave a full race report here

  • Run a 5K and a 10K in the fall.
Brian and I signed up to run a 5K last Saturday. It was a warm fall afternoon and we participated with close to 400 other runners and walkers. Brian beat his personal time goal by over a minute and I came in 3rd in my age group (females, aged 30-39).

I'm running a 10K next Saturday and Brian is doing another 5K.

I'm continuing to work on increasing speed and maintain a solid mileage base. Between January 1 and September 30, I ran 767 miles.  
  • Build my upper body and core strength.  Hold a plank for 4 minutes.
 I finished the 30 Day Plank Challenge on June 15 and held a plank for almost 5 minutes!   Since then I've not held a plank longer than 30 seconds and I don't intend to either! 

  • Learn to change the oil in the van and learn to change the wiper blades, too.
This is a leftover goal from 2013 and I may not get to it this year either.  Someday...

  • Take each child out individually for a meal at a restaurant they would enjoy.
Accomplished...and I included a few details in my March check-in.

  • Read 50 books-- not including books I read aloud to my kids or books we read for school.
I set this goal with the idea that I would read approximately 4 books a month, maybe 1 a week.  I underestimated myself and set this goal too conservatively.   I've read over 60 books so far this year, not counting the books I've read aloud with the kids (which number close to 20).

I added 2 secondary challenges to my goal.  I want to read all of the books from the 2014 Sisters Book Challenge  I'm doing with my sister.  I've read 8 of her 10 suggestions so only 2 more to go!

Plus I've chosen 4 classics I challenged myself to read by the end of the year.  I picked one to read each season and I've read 3 so far-- 1 more to go!

  • Develop a new chores system for the kids, including responsibilities for the two youngest.
  • Focus on teaching kids to take initiative for their hygiene, school work, and responsibilities.
  • Plan our 2014/2015 school year and write a loose daily schedule.
    These three goals go hand in hand(s?). I gave a brief explanation of our new chore system in my March check-in and went into greater detail in a separate post here

    The best thing I did to help with initiative this year was to give the three older kids their own schedule for the school day.  I did it as an afterthought (really to help me more than to help them) but it's been wonderful to see them think about how to best manage their time and to work ahead in an effort to make each day easier.  A few weeks ago I added a schedule for Ben (1st grade), too, so he can anticipate what he will be working on each day of the week.

    As far a chores go, some of the kids have found their groove and others have to be reminded to stick with their tasks.  I need to be more intentional on going behind Alaine and checking on her work. I'm considering tweaking the schedule at the beginning of next year-- maybe switching jobs around a bit and also adding more responsibility for some kids.

    • Take (or have someone else take) new non-candid photos of my kids. 
    My sister photographed my kids for me at the end of the spring.  (I chose a favorite photo of each of my kids and have them displayed on my blog's right sidebar.) This summer I printed some of my favorites and framed them for our living room. 


    I'll do one last goal check-in at the end of the year.  Did you make any goals this year? Do you plan to accomplish them before January?


    1. I loved the look at your goals and accomplishments. I've made monthly goals this year which have worked out much better for me right now. One area I definitely want to do better in is reading aloud to the kids and reading for myself. I've been relying heavily on audio books, which is fine for a season, but I want to ease back into reading aloud to the kids more. I also have been vegging out watching shows online instead of reading for my own enjoyment. While I don't think a little TV is bad, I've found that I don't feel as productive as I do when I'm reading instead.

      1. For awhile I was using my "free" time to binge-watch Downton Abbey and it was leaving me very little time to read. I enjoyed that, but I was glad to get back to more regular reading again.
