Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Pregnancy Update {17 Weeks}

Yesterday was my 35th birthday. I'm officially "advanced maternal age" in the medical world.  Thankfully, my midwives are not treating me any differently and one even rolled her eyes at the designation. I thought it would be fun to do a little update on how things are progressing with my pregnancy thus far.

photography by Owen

How far along? 
about 17 weeks


We find out next month.

Maternity clothes? 

Some.  I'm starting from scratch with maternity wear.  It's been 5 years since I've been pregnant, plus the old stuff would have been the wrong size and season.  I'm getting by with a few maternity bottoms supplemented with a couple elastic-waist maxi skirts that were already in my closet and a pair of Old Navy shorts 2 sizes up from my normal size that I found at the Goodwill.  (Those shorts have been wonderful and rest below my belly, but I think their days are numbered.)  I have a few maternity tops, but  I'm also getting mileage out of "regular"-size long or flowy things I already own. 


I'm sleeping exceptionally well.  After being plagued with weird dreams during the first trimester and rarely sleeping soundly, it's been refreshing to fall asleep minutes after my head hits the pillow.  Yes, I still get up to use the bathroom 1-2 times per night, but I fall back to sleep with no trouble.

I hit an emotional slump every night after dinner.  I'm tired.  I feel big and awkward.  I question every decision I've made during the day. The feelings have taken me by surprise, but I'm beginning to realize that since it comes over me like clockwork every evening, it's probably hormone related. I'm trying to embrace it and know I'll feel better in the morning.


I've been experiencing little twinges of something for over a week, but it was not until Saturday afternoon that I was positive it was the baby. Baby is a mover in the evening... or maybe that's when I'm still enough to notice.

Food cravings:

I've been blessed with mostly healthy cravings.  I eat salad almost every day and can't get enough raw veggies.  I have also craved protein-- meat, eggs, cheese-- since very early in the pregnancy.  About once a week, I get a craving for a Chipotle burrito, but I've only indulged once so far.  It's about time to do that again. 

Anything making you queasy or sick?
I've reached a point where I do not feel sick for any part of any day.  Morning sickness greatly eased around 10 weeks, but would pop up in the evenings or after a meal for weeks afterward.  Then I got a stomach bug and the nausea flared againThe only thing that makes me sick now is if I eat too much at once.  My stomach can't keep up with my appetite!   

I am still sensitive to certain smells.  It's funny because it's not the typically stinky smells that bother me.  It's things like the smell of Brian's deodorantI chose to tolerate it, though, because the smell of him wearing no deodorant would surely be more offensive!

What I miss:    
This is superficial, but I miss my non-maternity summer shorts.  

Labor signs:  
No, and I hope it stays that way for months to come.

Belly button in or out? 
Out already! I don't remember having that happen until at least 7 months!

Wedding rings on or off?

On! I haven't experienced any pregnancy swelling since my first baby (despite three babies born during the heat of summer) so I'm hoping the trend continues through this pregnancy.


Staying up until 10 pm in the evening...and doing it without a daytime nap!

Still running about six days a week.  An early morning run improves my energy and stabilizes my mood. 

Birth plans:
Hoping for another natural labor with the same midwives at the same birthing center.  We've moved since our last baby was born so we have a little farther to travel this timeHowever, I've never labored fewer than 9 hours so I don't expect the distance to be a problem.



  1. What a great report! I can't believe your running still! Good for you!

    I hated the whole "geriatric maternity" patient thing just because your 35 or older! I had several after 35!

    You look amazing and with all your running, you should do very well with labor! Have you ever used the jacuzzi? It's amazing! I just never liked the jets, but the hot water is so soothing!


    1. Thanks, Deanna! When I had Ben, I used the jacuzzi for hours and it was wonderful-- definitely my easiest labor. My pain was different with Alaine, but I found relief from the hot water in the shower early in the morning before we went to the birthing center.

  2. I think you look great! And I'm glad to hear you're feeling much better, too.
