Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thrifty Thursday

It is possible to be thrifty without feeling deprived and I'm sharing ideas in this summer series. If you have an money-saving idea, consider sharing it on your blog and leaving your link at the bottom of this post. The only rule? Share what you know. If I've never personally tried an idea, I won't write about it. The same goes for you, but don't assume an idea is too simplistic. It could be new to someone or it could re-inspire someone else!

My tip for this week is pay with cash.  It really helps control spending when you see the dollars leave your hands!  We do not have a credit card and we reserve our debit card for our twice-monthly grocery trips, the occasional online purchase, and emergencies.  All other expenditures are paid for with cash.  We have a weekly spending allotment and we keep cash envelopes for regular expenses such as gas.  We have a Christmas envelope that we add to throughout the year that is dipped into only for Christmas purchases, and we have are currently slipping extra dollars into another envelope in an effort to save money for a family trip to the movies this summer.  This system involves a high amount of self-control, but it also saves quite a few impulsive bucks! 


  1. Impressive, that I imagine would be the next step for us. We largely use our debit card understanding that means we are spending the money right then.

  2. very impressive. and self control is key i bet. it would be a huge change for us, as we usually just pay with debit, but i think it'd be a good change!

  3. That's a great idea! It's so easy to spend $2 or $3 here or there on little things, but I think your system would make it much easier to stop wasting that money and start putting it toward something that is important to you and your family. I better get some envelopes!

  4. Cash definitely hurts a LOT more than using that debit card! Way to go for spending so wisely!

  5. We use envelopes too!
    It really helps.

  6. Your thrifty nature must have been learned (or inherited!) from Dad! Being frugal requires some definite effort on my part. (Although, having said that, I'll bet that being frugal requires conscious effort even from those who are the most thrifty!)

    I am mulling over a few things though...and I hope to contribute to Thrifty Thursday again soon.

    ~ Mom

  7. Lovely!
    We too work on cash. After attending Financial Peace we became even more convicted on it. I have learned to be frugal from my mother and will forever be in her debt for the countless ways she teaches me even now to pinch those pennies. As a minister's wife with three beautiful children we live simply and we live blessed. Thanks for sharing!
