Friday, June 11, 2010

What is Worthwhile?

In the dull winter months, the months when the brown grass was wrapped in a unusually thick coat of those months, I asked for inspiration and direction for my words.  Some of you expressed interest in me sharing my personal blog-reading criteria and I neglected to addess that.  This week, this week where the green grass is decorated in a veil of clover flowers...this week, Kathi, gave me a gentle nudge to finally sit down and touch on this topic.

Time is precious and with four little ones beneath and around my feet, I need to use it wisely.  One area that can really zap my time is "playing" on the computer.  Sure, there is wonderful information out there.  Words that pour out of a heart and into a blog post have touched and strengthened me, but as with anything else, even the good can be bad in high doses.  (I love broccoli, but I can't make a diet off of it!)  This is what I do:

1) I only follow a small, small list of blogs.  This mainly contains the blogs of people I know in real life: my mom, my sister, my very close friend...   It also includes a blog of a like-minded mama and a mama whose words never fail to bless and a couple others.  When blogger tells me that these blogs have new posts, I always take the time to visit and read.  

2) All other blogs I read on a free-time-only basis.  Many days, I do find time to browse extra blogs.  When the kids are enjoying an afternoon snack at the table, I will often jump on the computer to check e-mail and read a blog or two.  After the kids are in bed for the evening and Brian is busy reading or watching a movie, I will sometimes snag a chunk of time to blog-read for pleasure.  I keep a list of blogs I enjoy in my favorites so I can access them easily.  This list includes a reliable site for easy family-friendly recipes and another like-minded mama.  It includes the sister of a friend and the first blog I ever read.  It contains a mama in a similar situation and a homeschooling mama.  While this list is much longer that my "follow" list, I only allow myself to take the time to indulge in it when I truly have nothing else that needs doing.

Maybe in another season of life, my standards will change.  Maybe I will cut back on what I am able to read.  Or maybe I'll read more but comment less.  Or maybe I'll be able to add to the list of blogs I follow without feeling I am taking away from more important duties.  Remember, we are all walking in different seasons and each season requires its own thinking and own limits.  Prayerfully consider what is best for you.


  1. Aw, I'm honored!

    This is a lovely post. Time *is* precious. I follow quite a lot of blogs, although I don't always read every post. But yours is one I always make time for. :)

  2. Oops...I corrected the links. There was one more blog I wanted to include. :-)

  3. Wonderful list and great words of advice! Time IS precious and trying to juggle is a constant learning for me!

  4. She was exactly who I was expecting when I clicked :)

    I saw your Mom's was the first Sunday?

  5. I am the same way - my patterns are very similar to yours. My "must read list" is very short. Then I try to "meet someone new" each week, by visiting a blog of someone I don't know or recognize...funny, that practice has brought me here to you TWICE!
