Saturday, October 12, 2013

31 Days, 31 Printables {Day 12}: Names of Jesus Learning and Memory Cards

During the month of October, Saturdays will be devoted to directing you to a printable I've shared in the past. 

Today I'm directing your to the Names of Jesus Learning and Memory Cards, one of my most visited posts of all time on my blog.  We've added these cards to our scripture memory box.  My kids challenge themselves to remember as many as they can. Each card has a different name of Jesus with a picture to aid in memory, plus scripture references printed at the bottom of the card.

Print them now and begin studying the names of Jesus... or save them for the upcoming Advent season. 

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1 comment:

  1. We're going to start back through the names of Jesus starting November 1st using your set and ours to carry us through Christmas.
