Monday, December 2, 2013

Names of Jesus Expansion Pack

During the month of December, we are taking time each morning to study our Names of Jesus Learning and Memory Cards.  We choose 2-3 cards at random each morning and read the corresponding scriptures.  

This year, I am pleased to announce an expansion pack which features 6 new cards with 6 more names of Jesus.

These cards have been a blessing to us throughout the entire year.  After reading through all 25 Names of Jesus Learning and Memory Cards and all 25 of my friend Allyson's Names of Jesus Advent Cards, we added them to our scripture memory box and review them every Friday.  The kids-- from Gavin (11) on down to Alaine (3)-- take turns recalling a name of Jesus.  They challenge themselves to remember all 50... and usually they do! 

I'm excited to see how well they incorporate an additional six cards!

Still need to print my original  25-card set?
Click here for your FREE download!

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