Monday, September 22, 2014


I love the Anne of Green Gables quote that says, "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?"

That's how I feel about Monday.  Monday is a fresh start.  Last week was busy and stressful, but today we had no where to go.  It was the first time since last Tuesday that we didn't have to get in the van and drive somewhere.

I got up when it was still dark to go for a morning run before Brian had to leave for work.  We are running 2 races together in October so today I was testing to see how fast I could run 3.1 miles.  When I got home, Brian said good-bye and the kids and I started breakfast.  Nothing fancy today, just whatever we could pull together-- toast, boiled eggs, cereal, etc.

The kids watched Wild Kratts on TV while they ate.  I got caught up on some e-mails and started folding the 5-6 loads of laundry that had piled up over the weekend. Soon everyone joined in with morning chores.  Owen cleaned the main bathroom.  Maddie unloaded the dishwasher and swept the laundry room.  Gavin took care of the pets. Ben straightened all the shoes by the back door, and Alaine made her bed and straightened the girls' room. 

Ben and Alaine both got out workbooks and did a few pages before deciding Duplos would be more fun! 

We started school almost precisely at 9 am. We had Bible time and prayer and then I worked with the older kids on music theory before they started their independent work-- math and English, plus 2 projects for art that they need to complete by Wednesday. I explained Ben's math assignment to him and then I used a few free minutes to get cleaned up from my run.

Owen finished school early so I helped him mix up and knead his first loaf of yeast bread. Then we all worked together to prepare a simple lunch.  We ate, did a whole house clean-up, and then the kids went back to the Duplos to make vehicles for Maddie's stuffed cat. 

The afternoon was filled with a variety of things. I made a new cookie recipe. Some of the kids played a Wii game they picked up at the library last week. Gavin worked on a science assignment. We read a few picture books.  I even sneaked in a 20 minute nap.

Later in the afternoon, Gavin went back outside to take care of the pets and then everyone went outside to play while I got dinner started.  Brian texted that he was on his way home.  Everyone was excited because we did not get to eat dinner together on week nights last week because of his long work days.  Brian and I ate dinner-sized steak fajita salads.  The kids had smaller salads with macaroni and cheese.  We all enjoyed slices of Owen's bread with homemade pumpkin butter.

It was Gavin's night to clear the table so he helped with kitchen clean-up and then the kids went back outside to run off some energy.  When the mosquitoes came out, it was back inside for cookies, baths for the littlest ones, and a stack of books on the couch.  While Brian put Alaine to bed, I let Ben practice reading out loud to me and then it was time for Jeopardy

What did you do today?


  1. Sounds like a great day! We were happy to be able to eat breakfast with Daddy this morning, finish our school work before lunch and play outside this afternoon. We completely missed our (non-school) read aloud today and I'm still folding laundry, so I'm glad tomorrow's another fresh start :)

    1. The laundry will always be there ( I folded 5-6 loads yesterday and there were 3 more today...), but it sounds like you made the choice to be there for your family! It's the little things.

  2. Not nearly as much as you did :-)

  3. Wow, you are really productive! I just got home from work and am fighting the urge to sit on the couch and do nothing all evening. You just made me want to be productive, so thank you!

    1. I was productive until Jeopardy came on at 7:30 and then I didn't get up off the couch the rest of the night! :-)
