Monday, November 17, 2014

The Girl and the Bicycle

{This post contains Amazon affiliate links.}

I thumbed through The Girl and the Bicycleby Mark Pett as I selected it from the library basket.  I sighed a little sigh, or maybe groaned a silent groan, when I realized the book had no text.  Does that kind of book intimidate you, too?  I love to share stories with my kids, but I like the stories to already be crafted for me.  I don't want to make up the words as I go along.  It goes hand in hand with my other mama weakness.  I can't play.  I can do puzzles, play games, kiss boo-boos, and tuck covers under chins, but when it comes to play, I have no imagination.

I had an inspiration, though, in my short jaunt from the basket to my chair. Why not let the kids take turns telling the story and interpreting the illustrations from page to page?  Perfect.

So in this way, we discovered this charming tale of a girl who sees a bicycle in the store window and spends her next few seasons planning and earning so that she can make it her own.  Things don't always turn out the way she hopes and those twists brought audible gasps from a few of the kids.  They were that into the story. The ending is worth the whole book!

Other new books we've read  this month:

1 comment:

  1. We really enjoyed The Book with No Pictures. We also watched a video of the author reading it to a group of kids.
