Saturday, November 15, 2014

November Twitterature

twitterature monthly reading linkup short reviews

Today I'm linking up with Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy to share "short, casual reviews" of the books I've read in the past 31 days.

I love to talk books on
my Facebook page , too, so stop by if you have a chance. 

{As always, post about books contain my affiliate links.}

The Scarlet Pimpernelby Baroness Orczy

This was the final classic from my challenge to myself this year. It was a quick read and now I think I need to see a movie version.
#classic  #historicalfiction

Life After Lifeby Kate Atkinson

I expected to love this and I did for the first half.  After that, the book started to drag and I thought I would never finish. I was expecting the finale to make up for the dull middle.  It didn't.
#fantasticstart  #willthisbookeverend  #partdrama  #partfantasy

The Riverby Beverly Lewis

I read this book because I've never missed a Beverly Lewis book, but I'm starting to lose my enchantment with them. The stories all seems to run together in my mind.
#amishfiction  #Christianfiction

Lip Reading by Harry Kraus

Harry Kraus's fiction is well-written and engaging, but this wasn't my favorite of his books. If you like medical drama, though, it's a good choice.
#medicalfiction  #Christianfiction  #artificialblood

I didn't find stellar books to read this month, but I enjoyed browsing these books for the ideas and photos, rather than the text: 

#drooling  #50daysuntildowntonabbeyseason5

Speaking of books, ideas, and reading, have you downloaded your free copy of my new eBook, Books for Christmas: What to Buy the Young People in Your Life?


  1. So cool you've challenged yourself to read classics. I should include that in my reading challenge next year. (Getting close to Downton Abbey!)

  2. I loved The Scarlet Pimpernel and enjoyed the movie (having watched that first.) The movie is very different from the book, but the actors are wonderful together, and the story is just as good. I felt the same way about Life After Life, if was just so sad and depressing. I was waiting for the ending to redeem itself, but it never did.

  3. Life After Life was definitely a really promising book that just didn't quite come together. If anything it was almost too long, but a fascinating read at the end of the day.

  4. I haven't read The Scarlet Pimpernel but the movie (see the Leslie Howard version) is a hoot! (Also, this is my first time doing twitterature--so hi!)

  5. The Scarlet Pimpernel is one of my favorite musicals. It's absolutely hilarious! I bet you'll love it!
