Monday, January 26, 2015

Sisters Book Challenge

2015 is off to a rollicking start. Our furnace stopped working (on a bitterly cold evening) and mysteriously started up again the next day. The kids had an impromptu sleepover with their grandmother.  I started training for a 10-miler and my 2nd half-marathon. We cycled our way through a shared family cold. I had a stubborn molar pulled. Maddie and Gavin spent special days with friends.  We hosted company for dinner. We moved a large piece of furniture out of our dining room and replaced it with another.  Brian celebrated his birthday...

Despite all the busyness, I also got a rollicking start to checking off my to-read list.  And yet, the list keeps getting longer.  It's hopeless.

My sister, Kati, and I decided to continue our Sisters Book Challenge for the third year  Here's how it works: 
  • Kati makes a list of 10 books. 
  • I make a list of 10 books.
  • Trade lists. 
  • Each choose 5 books from the list.
  • Read and review.

Kati and I exchanged lists on New Year's Day.  The most difficult part of the challenge for me each year is picking up books I might not gravitate towards on my own.  (I'm a little set in my ways and that includes my reading preferences.)

This year, though, one book was already on my need-to-read list and another was exactly a book I would choose (though I had never heard of it before). I'll be posting my first review soon. 

This is the list I gave to Kati.  For a fun twist, I included 5 fiction and 5 non-fiction book, all of which I read myself in 2014.

Have you read any of the books on either list?  What did you think?

Any you want to add to your own to-read list?

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