Friday, January 23, 2015

{Weekend Links}

Having Kids Close in Age: You Won't Regret It
Of my own five kids, the closest age span is 19 months and the largest span is 26 months. How about you?

Friday Night Meatballs
Because our family feels the call to welcome people into our home,too,  though it doesn't always come easily.

Here's What Your Favorite Children's Book Series Says About You
As a child, I was a hopeless Babysitter's Club fan, but I grew into Anne as a teen.  Did you have a fave?

Ice Painting For Kids
I picked up a new watercolor set in the Target Dollar Spot today.

Double Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Next up on Owen baking list? A mash-up of his 2 favorite cookies-- oatmeal and chocolate chip.


  1. I love the first post linked! Our kids are spaced 16, 17, 18, 23, and 13 months apart :)

    I've read the meatball post before and would love to do something similar. However, I don't know if it's just me or the reality of our housing (and job) situation that makes it feel impossible right now.

    By the way, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorites. Owen should try making "compromise cookies" sometime. You make a batch each of two favorite cookies and smoosh a small ball of each together before placing on the baking sheet. I've made SnickerSnaps with snicker doodle and ginger snap dough.

    1. I told Owen about the compromise cookies and he's already plotting what to make! :-)

    2. Oh, I like the idea of "compromise cookies"!

  2. Our smallest space between children is 23 months, 2 weeks. Our largest space, 11 years. I am grateful for the gift of every one of my children, no matter how many months or years between them!

    You're right...hospitality isn't always easy (nor is raising children), but certainly worth making the effort within one's circumstances.

    Great links!
