Monday, May 25, 2009

My Humorous Look at Motherhood

Oh where, oh where, has my quiet time gone?
Oh where, oh where, can it be?
Once a Coke and a book
Was all that it took.
Now I can’t even pee!

Oh where, oh where, has my tidy home gone?
Oh where, oh where, can it be?
Straightening as I go,
But the next thing I know
The floor I cannot see!

Oh where, oh where has my white bathtub gone?
Oh where, oh where can it be?
Grit, grass, and grime—
I scrub all of the time.
That ring will be the death of me!

Oh where, oh where, has my tranquil ride gone?
Oh where, oh where, can it be?
The chatter and talk
Make my windows fog up.
And the speakers are blaring Veggie!

Oh where, oh where, have my painted toes gone?
Oh where, oh where can they be?
They’re chipped or they’re bare.
I pretend not to care.
I can only dream of a pedi!

Oh where, oh where, have my grown-up foods gone?
Oh where, oh where, can they be?
A salad and steak,
A molten chocolate cake—
Replaced by macaroni!

Oh where, oh where, has my former self gone?
Oh where, oh where can it be?
God blessed me with four.
I’m in charge no more.
HE knows what’s best for me!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Find Me Over There...

This week I had the pleasure of meeting local blogger, Molly! She has recently started a series on natural childbirth, running every Friday on her blog. This week, I am the featured writer. Click here to relive Benjamin's birth with me...and see a few never-before-published photos!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Fishy Fairytale

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful little girl who wanted a pet of her own. Her mama and daddy said she bought some seeds. She planted the seeds and watered them and cared for them until they sprouted. She faithfully tended her plant. She checked it daily to see if it was thirsty. If it felt dry, she talked to it as she fed it "lunch." When her family went on vacation, they closed all the window shades, but the beautiful little girl kept the shade on the plant's window open so it would continue to receive sunlight while she was gone.

One day, though she still loved her plants, the beautiful little girl longed for more. She asked for a pet again. Her mama and daddy said she caught a beetle. She put it in a jar with a wet sponge to ease its thirst. Her mama warned her that it would not be happy in a jar. Her daddy told her it needed to she sobbed as she set it free. Her daddy held her as she cried and his heart was softened.

On the weekend, the beautiful little girl went with her mama and daddy to buy a fish. She named it Nemo. Her charming brothers came along, and they bought fish, too. Her charming older brother named his fish Christopher Robin and her charming younger brother named his Donut. Three fish now swim in a bowl and the beautiful little girl is content.

And they all lived happily ever after (we hope).

The End

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


It is mid-May and the younger boys are sporting their summer short 'dos!

One is by choice.

The other is by nature.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Are You Reading?

I've given up on making this a regular feature. Knowing that I have a tendency to obsess and knowing I must keep my priorities in line, committing to a once-a-month column was not what I needed!

But our passion for books has not gone the way of the discontinued column! If anything, it has increased, and as school is winding down for the year, we are eeking out more time for pleasure reading. We began the real, true, non-Disney version of Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne last week and hearing the children's belly laughs at Pooh's antics have been priceless! "Oh, help!"

I'm finding that in this season of sticking close to home, outings that must to be scheduled around naps are often outings that are too much trouble with only one set of adult hands. Recently, though, with the freedom of spring, we've managed to come out of our imposed hibernation for an errand-run one morning a week. We've been refreshed by once again making a regular visit to the library.

In lieu of a What's Going On? feature every month, I will continue to put books on my sidebar bookshelf that hit a chord in our reading time. I am careful to only include books that we think are excellent and books that the children ask to read repeatedly, not just any book we happen to bring home. Brian and I continue amass a pile of books to read on our own, too, but again, I only include books on the bookshelf that we feel are worthy of a special mention. (I'd love to hear what you think of my bookshelf. Do you ever find books for your own family or do you enjoy seeing our gems or do you even notice it?!)

And as always, I would love to hear of your reading discoveries-- books that have touched your heart or your funny bone. You just may find your recommendation on my bookshelf some day! Happy reading!


Monday, May 11, 2009

These Days...

I stretched out on the floor with Benjamin this morning. He faced me on his hands and knees, rocking back and forth, trying to determine how to move forward. I grinned at him and held out my hand, hoping to draw him towards me. He collapsed onto his belly and grasped my outstretched fingers. I held his drool-dampened hand as long as he would let me. Eventually, he scooted backwards (a skill he has mastered!) to his basket of blocks, but I remained...pondering...

These days will never return. Once he learns to crawl, never again will I need to coax him to make that move. To think three of the babies who once wiggled in my arms... and then crawled... and then walked... can now run... and climb trees! These days are ever changing. Once they pass, they are never mine again.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Proverbs 31:28-30

Dear Mom,

You may have thought no one was watching when you created carefree fun on a restricted budget. But I was watching. I noticed. I warmly recall those days so many years ago when you took young Ryan and me to the mall where we split a hot dog while we played on the "big steps." Those recollections still inspire me to do the little things that grow big in the memories of my children.

Her children arise and call her blessed.

You may have thought no one was watching when we took vacations that were not your "cup of tea." But I was watching; I noticed. We waited in line for the roller coasters while you waited on a bench, and you gripped the van door while Dad wound through mountain roads and stopped at every steep overlook. You endured cheerfully for the sake of family fellowship. I think of you now as I travel with my own family and die to my own desires, bringing them happiness.

You may have thought no one was watching your relationship with Dad, but I was watching. I noticed how you enjoyed cooking to his liking and how, when he was going to be home late from work, you would serve the rest of us while you waited for him. I remember how you never spoke a negative word about him to others and that made such an impression on me that I've made that a personal policy in my own marriage.

Her husband also, and he praises her.

You may have thought no one was watching the sacrifices you made the summer I turned seventeen, but I was watching. I noticed how, with a three-year-old in tow, you taxied me to work each morning and then prepared dinner in the afternoon so I could eat while you transported me to my evening employment. I think of you now as I strive to "do all things without complaining."

You may have thought no one was watching when you read your tattered, gray Bible in the mornings, but I was watching. I noticed. I think of you now as I thumb through the worn pages of my own Bible and say as you often said, "I don't want a new one because I know this one so well."

Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.

You may have thought no one was watching numerous thing you did, but I was watching and I noticed. I watched as you surrendered your days alone to bring us back home for school. I watched as you went through a difficult later-in-life pregnancy and endured insensitive comments, but maintained your joy in God's blessing of the new life within you. I watched as you rejoiced with a son in his chance for advancement and adventure, but wept as it pulled him miles away and left an ache in your heart. I watched as you beckoned guests into our home and delivered meals, cards, and encouragement to friends. I watched as you lived.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Setting A Good Example...

It was a pomegranate lollipop. Does that make it healthy?
