Showing posts with label Photo-a-Day Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo-a-Day Challenge. Show all posts

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Last Photo-a-Day... and a few outtakes

In June, I took my sister Kati's Photo-a-Day Challenge and posted my results about once a week.  This is my last installment of photos, captured during an weekend of family togetherness and tradition (which included a trip to Walmart and a thrift shop, among other places).


I chose to complete the photo challenge with no words (aside from the daily prompt word), but I'm making no restrictions on these outtakes.

I took this photo for Favorite Color (Day 2), but I couldn't get the lighting the way I wanted it.  We use these Ball jars for drinking glasses.  They were a Christmas gift from my hubby and they make me happy.  

I took this photo to use for Childhood (Day 8), but the little wet footprint dried too rapidly in the sun. 

I considered this photo for Backyard (Day 15), but it is not my backyard, plus I didn't take the photo.  I'm just in it. 

I took a photo of this arrangement that sits on a table in my living room several times-- Flower (Day 12), Something Old (Day 18), Book (Day 20)-- but it never made the cut.

I mixed up the days and took this photo of our morning banana drink for Refreshing (Day 19) before I realized it was only Day 16! 

This was the runner-up for Green (Day 22).

I wanted to use this action shot for Hot (Day 24), but it seemed to illustrate the word sunny more than the word hot.

And finally, I wanted so badly to find a way to make these photos from our visit with our new niece (the kids' cousin) fit Cold (Day 25), but  this sweet little bundle was snuggly and warm-- not a bit cold.



Friday, June 27, 2014

Another Photo-a-Day

This month, I am taking my sister Kati's Photo-a-Day Challenge and posting my results about once a week.  This is my fourth installment of photos, captured during an intensely busy week of activity at our house that included day camp and meeting a new baby niece/cousin!



Friday, June 20, 2014

Photo-a-Day Again

This month, I am taking my sister Kati's Photo-a-Day Challenge and posting my results about once a week.  This is my third installment of photos, captured during our first heatwave of the summer (and Sonic's 1/2 Price Milkshake Day) !



Friday, June 13, 2014

More Photo-a-Day

This month, I am taking my sister Kati's Photo-a-Day Challenge and posting my results about once a week.  This is my second installment of photos, captured during a hot and sunny, humid and rainy, indoor and outdoor type of week.



Friday, June 6, 2014

Photo-a-Day Challenge

My camera has a permanent place on my kitchen counter.  Unfortunately, though it's handy, it often remains there all day long while life goes on around it. During the month of May, I challenged myself to take at least one photo of something every day.  I didn't have a perfect record, but my self-imposed challenge inspired me to pick up the camera more than I would have otherwise.  Do you find that sometimes you are so busy living the memories that you forget to take time to capture them?

This month, I am taking my sister Kati's Photo-a-Day Challenge and posting my results about once a week.



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