I have a FUN proposition for you, my readers. Would you e-mail me a photo of your kids (or grandkids) having fun? Better yet, send me a picture of you having fun with your kids ! I want real photos of real people having everyday fun. Maybe you tried something I suggested. Maybe you had your own idea. No matter, on Saturday, I'm going to feature YOUR photos!
When you e-mail me, include the words FUN PHOTOS in your subject line. In the body of your e-mail, take a minute to tell me if you'd like your photo to link somewhere (your blog, your Facebook account...).
I'm looking forward to sharing your fun moments!

Why not take a moment to sign up for my "Without Losing Your Cool" giveaway if you haven't already? 6 prizes. 6 winners. 6 entries.

I love this idea! Photos heading to your inbox right now.