Do your kids have a fascination with checking the mailbox? Mine do, and there is nothing quite so thrilling as seeing their own names on an envelope. A magazine subscription ensures regular mail for them! Over the years, we have subscribed to, or been given gift subscriptions, to various quality children's magazines.
Featuring stories, mazes, look-and-finds, and jokes, these magazine have something for my children's wide range of tastes. Brian's grandma subscribed to both magazine for our kids last year so even Alaine (age 2) gets mail with her name on it.
My kids love the Adventures in Odyssey-themed mysteries and the What's in the Bible? character sightings. There's more, too, like logic puzzles and reader artwork and recipes.
Focus on the Family Clubhouse
Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr
My parents have given this nature magazine to my kids for years, starting when Gavin was a toddler. Actually, I received it when I was a kid, too! The version for younger tots is made of thick cardboard so the pages won't tear and reads like a series of simple stories. The older version is packed with animal facts, songs, stories, craft ideas, and book suggestions.
Big Backyard(ages 3-7, though my kids enjoyed it far longer)
Wild Animal Baby
And who can pass up free? Certainly not the LEGO fans in my house!
FREE LEGO Club Magazine (ages 7-12)
FREE LEGO Club, Jr. Magazine (ages 1-6)

To join the lego club in Australia and get the magazine's it is a once off payment of $19.95. I just signed up the girls so now three of the children (and my husband haha) will be getting the magazines! Grace especially LOVES checking the mailbox (every day of the week!)
ReplyDeleteMy kids love Highlights High 5. They also love getting what they call magazines, but I call junk mail....catalogs! They love flipping through and looking at everything. My daughter, age 5, asks almost daily if a new American Girl doll "magazine" has come and my 4 year old son loves catalogs of party supplies. He usually asks to take one to bed with him!
ReplyDeleteOh fun!
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me that when I was a kid I loved my Highlights and National Geographic Kids subscriptions. I had no idea about the High 5 option - I think I just figured out a Christmas present for Eleanor!
We also support a couple of kids through World Vision, and they occasionally send us "gift" catalogs - where you can buy a chicken, etc for families in need. Eleanor loves looking through that "magazine", because it's full of pictures of kids and animals.